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Welcome to Home-Link

Home-Link is the choice based lettings scheme for all council and housing association homes in Cambridgeshire and West Suffolk. Other types of properties such as extra care and Equity Share properties may also be advertised here. If you are a social housing tenant already you can also register for a Mutual Exchange (swapping homes with another tenant). The main mutual exchange sites are Homeswapper and House Exchange, and it's likely that your Landlord is registered with one of these organisations. 
Properties that are available for rent will be advertised each week on this website. The only day when there will be no properties advertised will be Thursday each week.


You must then tell us which properties you are interested in. This process is known as bidding. You may only bid for a property if your application has been accepted onto our housing register.
Our website is packed with useful information to help you find you a suitable home. You can use this website to:

  • Search for available properties

  • Apply for a property

  • View results of previous lettings

If you would like help to use Home-Link please contact the Local Authority partner organisation operating in the area you want to apply to, click here to go to our contact us page.

Click here to view a list of all Home-Link partners.