Prioritising Applications

Home-Link uses a banding scheme to prioritise applications with 4 different bands.

BAND A - (Urgent Need)

• You are a council or housing association tenant who needs to move urgently, for example because your property is about to be demolished or redeveloped.
• You are leaving Social Services care or are a current resident of supported housing and you have been assessed as being ready to move into independent accommodation.
• You are occupying a property which has been assessed as posing an urgent health and safety risk to you and your family.
• You have an urgent medical condition, and your current housing is having a major adverse effect on the medical condition.
• You have been assessed as needing two more bedrooms than you currently have.
• You are a council or housing association tenant with two or more bedrooms than you need and are willing to move to a smaller property. Or, you live in an adapted property and the adaptations are no longer required. For example, if the person requiring the adaptations has moved out or passed away.
• You are homeless and one of the partner councils owes you a main homelessness duty.
• You have two or more needs from Band B.


BAND B - (High Need)

• You are occupying a property which has been assessed as posing a high health and safety risk to you and your family.
• You have a high need to move because of a medical condition, and your current housing is having a significant adverse effect on the medical condition.
• You have been assessed as needing one more bedroom than you currently have.
• You are a council or housing association tenant and are living in a property with one bedroom more than you require and you are willing to move to a smaller property.
• You have a high need to move because of harassment or threat of violence or abuse.
• You are threatened with homelessness and are working with the homelessness prevention service to try and prevent your homelessness.
• You are sleeping rough and have no other accommodation available to you. The council will verify this before awarding this priority.
• You have three or more needs from Band C.


BAND C - (Medium Need)

• You have a medium need to move because of a medical condition, and your current housing is having a significant effect on the medical condition.
• You have a need to move for social reasons, for example to give or receive support to a family member, or for employment reasons, are more than 24 weeks pregnant or you have a child under 10 years and live above the ground floor.
• You are lacking or sharing facilities within your home with people who are not family members. Facilities may include a living room, kitchen or bathroom.
• You are homeless or threatened with homelessness and are either intentionally homeless, not in priority need or are owed a main homeless duty by a local authority that are not a partner organisation in the sub-region.



• Any applicant who does not meet any of the criteria in Bands A, B or C will be assessed as having a low level of housing need and placed in Band D.
• Any applicant assessed as having sufficient financial resources to resolve their own housing need will be placed in Band D. These applicants will only be considered for an offer of a property once all other bidding applicants who do not have sufficient financial resources to resolve their own housing need have been considered.